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The foreword to
Turning The Solomon Key
by Katherine Neville
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Turning The Solomon Key
Why Research Astrology?
A Theory of Dowsing
How Radio Works
Newton's Rules of Logic
Calculation of Ionicspheric Turbulence
The Solomon Key Symbol
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Categories > Robert's books

Turning The Solomon Key : George Washington, the Bright Morning Star, and the Secrets of Masonic Astrology
By Robert Lomas

Pub: Fair Winds Press
ISBN: 1592332846

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Using Masonic rituals and Washington's own diaries Lomas uncovers the symbolic reasoning behind the positioning of the White House and the Capitol, and in the process disposes of many anti-Masonic urban myths. This exciting, and authoritative, detective story then investigates the sources of creative behavior, to reveal a hitherto unsuspected Secret Science of Masonic Astrology which underpinned Washington's actions.
Turning The Hiram Key : Making Darkness Visible
By Robert Lomas

Pub: Lewis Masonic
ISBN: 0853182795

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Robert tackles the big unanswered questions about the Brotherhood including: what is the purpose of freemasonry? What do Masons gain from working its Rituals? Can anybody benefit from the Spiritual Teachings of 'The Craft'? Are Masonic rituals simple moral plays designed to encourage people to behave well? Are they a secret tradition preserved from a long lost civilisation? Are they meaningless formalities, or do they serve some deeper purpose? In this ground-breaking book, the author describes his personal journey through the mystical rituals of Freemasonry and reveals why people join Freemasonry, what they expect to find and how they benefit.
The Secrets of Freemasonry : Revealing The Suppressed Tradition
By Robert Lomas

Pub: Constable and Robinson
ISBN: 1845293126

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Many people are curious about the existence of secret societies which claim to hold arcane religious or esoteric knowledge and pass it down through the generations via selected adepts. Classic Masonic writers including William Preston, Robert Gould, JSM Ward, AE Waite and WL Wilmshurst have written about secret traditions connected to the Temple of Sion. Each has different ideas about how mystical knowledge came into Freemasonry. Some say that the Charter of Larmenius reveals an underground line of Knight Templar Grand Masters who survived down to the nineteenth century. All agree there is a Secret Lodge or House of Adepts who continue to teach "true" knowledge of the ancient mysteries and that the Craft transmits beliefs linked to the Earls of Rosslyn, the Knights Templar, and Lodge Mother Kilwinning. Masonic expert, Robert Lomas has collected together this thread of belief from old Masonic writers and rewritten it in modern English to make the ideas accessible to modern readers.
Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science
By Robert Lomas

Pub: Fair Winds Press
ISBN: 1592330649

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Until the sixteenth century, people believed in magic as a way of explaining how the world worked. Indeed Queen Elizabeth I had a court magician, John Dee. However during the reign of the Stuart kings magic was killed and science took its place. This change came about because a group of men met in London and decided to set up a society to study the mechanisms of nature. Yet the men who founded this society in 1660 - including Robert Moray, Christopher Wren, Elias Ashmole and John Evelyn - were not only the first scientists but the last sorcerers, performing chemical experiments with powdered Unicorn horn...They had also fought on different sides in the Civil War. The story of how they came together comes as a revelation and will change your view of history and science forever.
The Book of Hiram : Freemasonry, Venus and the Secret Key to the Life of Jesus
By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

Pub: Arrow
ISBN: 0099429233

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An account of Knight and Lomas's 14-year quest to uncover the secret teachings buried beneath Roslin Chapel near Edinburgh. Their quest ends with extraordinary revelations about early human history - the origins of Christianity as a Messianic religion, of Freemasonry and of science.
Uriel's Machine : The Prehistoric Technology That Survived The Flood
By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

Pub: Arrow
ISBN: 0099281821

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The authors of this text show that the ancient Book of Enoch, rediscovered in the 18th century, describes how Uriel's Machine should be constructed, and how Enoch's secret technology has been preserved since ancient times in Freemasonic lore.
The Second Messiah : Templars, The Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry
By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

Pub: Arrow
ISBN: 0099227320

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First published in 1997, the authors reveal an epic story of pride, greed, powerlust and suffering. The book focuses on 13th century Jacques de Molay, a Grand Master of the Templars who regarded themselves as the guardians of the secret teachings of Jesus, and proves that the shroud Molay was wrapped in after his death is the Turin Shroud.
The Hiram Key : Pharoahs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus
By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

Pub: Arrow
ISBN: 0099699419

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The Hiram Key is a book that will shake the Christian world to its very roots. When Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both Masons, set out to find the origins of Freemasonry they had no idea that they would find themselves unraveling the true story of Jesus and the original Jerusalem Church. As a radically new picture of Jesus started to emerge, the authors came to the startling conclusion that the key rituals of modern Freemasonry were practiced by the early followers of Jesus as a means of initiation into their community.

Categories > Robert's books